Make the [Prime] Circle Bigger

For the last couple of years some of the best music in the world has come out of South Africa.

One just has to listen to albums like Zebra & Giraffe’s Collected Memories, Prime Circle’s last two releases All or Nothing and Jekyll & Hyde, or bands like Cassette, Taxi Violence and Hog Hoggidy Hog to wonder why the hell musicians in this country struggle so.

Is it because the Americans are painfully closed-minded when it comes to international anything and just believe what the TV tells them?

We get fed such mediocre, boring bullshit from the States – all image and no substance. So-called artists who sell millions of records purely by shaking booty or pretending to be a gangster.

Is it because, when we have the opportunity to showcase our talent through events like the World Cup opening ceremony, our politicians stick to ‘traditional’ artists trying to be West Side Ali G imitations or safe but mundane bands like the Parlotones?

It’s almost as if there’s a government conspiracy to say to the world, “Look how gracious we are to let the whities on the stage, but doesn’t it sound like a kak version of the Killers?”

When I was a teenager all we had to offer was deafening bile like Mango Groove and MarcAlex – South African music was embarrassing and crap – but things have changed and I think most people my age don’t realise it.

Many still wrongly believe local is lame.

It’s not enough to buy a cd here and there and occasionally go to a Kirstenbosch concert. Proud South Africans need to be proactive and help get our musicians’ talent out there.

When Lucy’s mom returned to England I gave her a pile of discs to give to her son – everything from the Plastics to Plush to Wrestlerish. Hell, I even threw in some Watershed and old Squeal albums.

Listening to Prime Circle’s new Jekyll & Hyde causes my chest to puff up with patriotism. And, as one reviewer suggested, I will wave it in the face of every foreigner I meet.

We need them and those of their ilk to be able to keep doing what they’re doing, because if they fail all we will be left with is American finger-bling wavers, British gayboy bands, and a KFC snackbox.

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