Their lies are the thread that will sew our eyes shut, and the world we see will be nothing but the stitches.
Maybe we deserve it, because only the few seem to care. No one I speak to in my normal, everyday existence seems to be concerned about the authorities, our elected protectors, desperately doing everything in their power to stop us knowing what is going on.
Are we so caught up in our selfish pursuits that we no longer take notice of the bigger picture? Is our vision of the future so narrowly self-absorbed that we cannot see how this will affect us? Have we been tricked into thinking that voting once in a while makes us politically active?
We are victims of a lifestyle obsession. And our only driving concern is improving our lot. Corruption, poverty, injustice – these things don’t concern us anymore. Discussing improper tenders and political self-enrichment has become as trite and boring as talking about the weather!
It is so prevalent and so sickening we have all turned away.
We thought the war was won, and were so enthralled in victorious euphoria we did not notice a new battle unfold. But now it is upon us and we have become so fat and lazy and gutless we have chosen to ignore it; leaving it to others to fight for us.
But the truth does not set us free; it only empowers us to free ourselves.
The ANC wants to take this power away. They are terrified that one day we will wake up and fight back.
That time is now!
Their illogical arguments to convince us that it is in our best interests are verbal defecation. Their rotten, paper thin lies turn any sane citizen’s stomach.
Our minds are not theirs to control. We will not be told what we are allowed to know.
This war must be fought by all. The time has come for us to set the truth free.